Shipping Information
We offer FREE standard shipping on orders over $99 shipped via USPS within the Contiguous U.S. (excludes Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories & APO/FPO destinations). Depending on your shipping location, please allow 3 – 10 business days for delivery, excluding holidays. Orders placed after 12 PM EST Monday to Friday (excluding holidays) are not guaranteed to go out the same day.

Your order is shipped from our warehouse in New Jersey. We currently do not ship internationally. Please refer to chart above for optional shipping methods.
Any orders placed over the weekend will go out on Monday, including priority shipments. Expedited orders received by 12 PM EST are shipped the same day, excluding holidays. Expedited orders received after 12 PM EST are shipped the following business day.
In the event of a holiday or event, shipping times may vary.
Please note, USPS does not deliver on Saturdays. Orders shipped by USPS can take 3 – 10 business days to arrive. Carriers will not guarantee the arrival dates of packages. Please keep this in mind if you need a package to arrive on a particular date.
After you place an order online, you will receive an email confirming your purchase. If you do not receive this email, contact Customer Service at for investigation in this matter. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive another email with your shipping confirmation. This email will include your tracking number. If there is any shipping delay, our Customer Service team will notify you by email.
If you are having trouble placing an order due to credit card failure, contact Customer Service at, so we can further investigate in this matter. We will respond back within 24 hours of operation. You can also contact your bank for credit card validation.
Please note, once your order has been placed, we are unable to make any changes to it or cancel it. Please make sure to review your order carefully.